
Everybody Loves Dr. Seuss

I was sure that our Your Favorite Seuss: A Baker's Dozen by the One and Only Dr. Seuss book was too old for Liddy, she's only two after all, but boy was I wrong. I had put the book, which is huge by the way, up on the top shelf along with some of her other special books that I didn't want to see damaged.
One day she decided that that was the book she wanted to look at, I was sure that she would be bored with it pretty quickly since there are no puppies or other easily recognizable animals and the stories are quite long. That book hasn't spent more than a few minutes on her bookshelf since. She absolutely loves it!
We read it every night before bed as well as several times throughout the day. Sometimes I'll catch her sitting on her bed reading it aloud to her puppies. She reads "Green Eggs and Ham" to them concentrating very intently on each page repeating the words "Ham, ham, ham", "No, no, no" and "Way, way up" over and over. It is very funny to watch, she was so involved in it the other day that I was actually able to video tape her and she didn't even notice. We're definitely sending a copy of that one to Grandma!
I am even enjoying the book, I had forgotten about so many of the stories like "And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street", "The Cat in the Hat" and "One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish". I've also discovered a couple that I don't think I've ever read and even as an adult I really enjoy especially "Oh, the Places You'll Go!", I never realized what good life lessons there were in Dr. Seuss' books. On top of that the rhythm of them makes so much fun to read. I actually bargain with Liddy to get her to let me read certain stories that are my favourites....I love Dr. Seuss too!

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